Gain Vital Business Intelligence with this Award-Winning Reporting Tool for Opera 3, Opera 3 SQL SE and Microsoft Excel
There are various additional features available to Pegasus Opera users which can provide you with additional features which you may require at your company. One of the most popular add-ins available is Pegasus XRL.
What is Pegasus XRL?
Pegasus XRL is an award-winning add-on for Pegasus Opera 3, Opera 3 SQL SE, CIS and Operations 2. It links Pegasus Opera and Microsoft Excel, providing an easy and effective way of extracting meaningful information directly from the live financial data held within your Opera system.
XRL allows users to retrieve, view, analyse and further manipulate what could often be complex business reports in a familiar spreadsheet environment. With its flexibility, ease of use and advanced drilldown capabilities, Pegasus XRL delivers fast, accurate information, helping you to gain insight into your business’ finances and empowering you to make better decisions.
Pegasus XRL enables Microsoft Excel to access live data in Opera with a single mouse click, eliminating the need to copy and paste, re-key, or work out calculations. This saves you time and eliminates any errors that could come from re-keying data.
You can see a short demo of Pegasus XRL in the video below:
Ease of Use
Pegasus XRL appears as an additional menu item in Excel. This means that any Excel user, regardless of their technical knowledge can easily create reports from the live data in Excel with just a few mouse clicks.
XRL also has a report wizard, which can assist you in creating reports by extracting data into Excel. Simply choose the Company for which you wish to extract data, identify the system area of interest (such as Sales, Stock, Costing, or Payroll), and select the fields. All this means that you can create valuable reports in mere seconds.
Powerful, up-to-date Reporting
Producing Management Reports with XRL is quick and simple. Users can create links between the data in Opera and cells in a spreadsheet, allowing you to design Management Reports like P&L and Balance Sheets in Excel that display up-to-date, correct information based on live data in Opera. As well as this, multidimensional analytical tools like Cube Analysis and shortcuts to Excel Pivot Tables provide additional reporting capabilities.
Drilldown into the Underlying Data
Not only can you export data from Opera 3 and Opera SE, into Excel, but you can also query those fields and drill down to the transactions behind them. For example, a customer’s Turnover Value can be examined to extract invoice numbers and then further to see the stock items that comprise that invoice.
An example of where this would be useful is if you needed to explain a value on a spreadsheet, such as “Total Debtors”: By using drilldown to study the transactions behind the field, you would have an immediate answer without having to refer back to Opera 3, saving you time and effort.
Write Back into Opera
Using XRL’s Data Send feature, you may take information generated in Excel and write it back into Opera. Nominal budgets, price lists, and stock adjustments can all be input with minimal effort.
Integration with Pegasus CIS (Construction Industry Solutions)
In addition to Pegasus Opera 3 and Opera SE, Pegasus XRL integrates with Pegasus CIS, allowing you to easily access live data. Any data stored in Pegasus CIS can be interrogated dynamically in Excel. Analyse and report on all areas of your Contracts, Jobs, Sales, Labour, and Stock to get improved control over contract expenditure and profitability.
Different users can be assigned privileges based on job role. When you log in, the system checks your user privileges to ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to those who need it.
Read the Pegasus XRL Datasheet here: Pegasus XRL Datasheet
Want More Information on Pegasus XRL for Opera?
If you would like to book an upgrade, please fill in the form below, and we will contact you to arrange a date. If you would like more information, please contact the Synergy team today. You can call us on or send us an email via our contact page at any time and we will be delighted to assist you.