Have you ever lost important data or experienced the heart-dropping moment in which you thought you had? Data can be lost at any moment, so it is vital to back up your data regularly. It is especially important to back up your data before a major update/process using the software.
The Importance of Opera Backups
Within Pegasus Opera, there are different types of backups you can conduct depending on what you require, such as a full backup or data-only backup.
A full backup is usually used as a starting point for all other backups in the future, in which it contains all the data in the folders and files that are selected to be backed up, therefore a full backup can take up a lot of time depending on how many files and folders there are. Whereas a data backup can help to save time which can be allocated towards other important work!
We would advise that a data backup is run from within Pegasus Opera before any major process is run, such as period ends, nominal year-end, wages update or any of the re-organise routines.
If the application closes unexpectedly, especially with the above routines, then the data files may be corrupted. With Synergy Technology, we will attempt to restore the data files from the latest backup as this will be the quickest fix. Moreover, an Opera data backup is a lot easier and quicker to restore back from than a full server type backup.
If you run a full Opera backup, then this can take quite a long time, therefore we recommend a data only Opera backup to save time and space. To implement this, you will need to remove the tick from the ‘Include Addition Files/Folders’ option on the backup screen.
For more information about the Opera backup feature, then please email helpdesk@synergytechnology.co.uk for assistance from a trained and knowledgeable Synergy Technology worker.