There has been, and continues to be, a wealth of publicity regarding the implementation of the GDPR on the 25th May 2018. The new regulation will force businesses across the UK to review and strengthen their data management and data security in order to comply. This poses a wide range of issues for both Business to Consumer (B2C) organisations and Business to Business (B2B) organisations. B2C organisations are without a doubt the hardest hit but it is important to understand that this law affects both types of business relationships.
At Synergy Technology we do not pretend to be an expert in the field of GDPR. We are in the process of reviewing our own procedures to ensure we are compliant by May 2018 and have contracted professional advice to guide us along the way. But we can tell you, the GDPR has been called “possibly the biggest challenge to business this decade.” What the GDPR definitely is not, is just another regulation.
We cannot reiterate enough that you need to make sure your business and your data management and data security is compliant. Synergy Technology can point you in the direction of a compliant Business to Business CRM solution or make an introduction with a GDPR business specialist.
Here are some useful links about GDPR from the Information Comissioner’s Office (ICO) and from our business partners to help you understand more:
ICO : Preparing for the GDPR : 12 Steps to take now
Microsoft Trust Centre : Get the latest on GDPR Compliance
SuperOffice CRM Software : What is GDPR and How Does It Impact Your Business?
eMarketeer Email Marketing Software : GDPR and what it means for eMarketeer users
Synergy Technology has also published some helpful guidelines in our recent Business Talk magazine: Business Talk – GDPR and the Future of your data security
Remember, doing nothing is not the solution. Adopting an effective CRM is only part of your obligations to comply with GDPR. It is each and every organisations’ own responsibility to put processes in place for full compliance. Let’s work together to become compliant.
If Synergy Technology can support your business in any way, please speak to any of our team on 0345 456 0050. We are not qualified to provide professional advice on GDPR, but we are here as a professional partner to support you on path to becoming compliant.
Tony Poole, Synergy Technology